× Join us for live jazz. Restaurant Lorena's will be featuring live jazzBrunch Saturdays and Sundays 12pm-3pm Thursdays 5pm-9pm.

Read Restaurant Lorena's reviews, recent news, and why it was named one of the 100 most romantic restaurants in U.S.

The 9 Best Restaurants in Maplewood

Since its opening in 2005, chef Humberto Campos’s jewel box of French-inflected fine dining (named for his wife, Lorena) has been a standout not only in Maplewood but in greater Essex County and beyond.


Small Is Beautiful

The name of this five-month-old restaurant really ought to be Tough Act to Follow. It is called Lorena's, but food and wine enthusiasts will remember it as Jocelyne'


Zagat Review

Close to "perfect", this "spectacular" Maplewood BYO overseen by chef Humberto Campos Jr. offers "sublime" cuisine with such "superb attention to detail"


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